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Listed alphabetically by first author.

Adams, M. L., Sterling, A., Moore, R. L., Gary, G. A., 2014, "A Small-Scale Eruption Leading to a Blowout Macrospicule Jet in an On-Disk Coronal Hole", ApJ 783, 11.

Adams, M. L., and Moore, R. L., 2016, "What drives solar-EUV jets seen in equatorial coronal holes?", Res. in Phys. 6, 1192-1193.

Alexander, D., Gary, G. A., and Thompson, B.J., 1998, "Analysis of Active Regions via 3D Rendering Techniques'', in Proc. 2nd Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference (ASPE), Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions, (eds. C. Alissandrakis and B. Schmieder), PASP Conference Series 155, 100.

Athiray, P. S., Winebarger, A. R., Champey, P., Kobayashi, K., Vigil, G. D., Haight, H., Johnson, S., Bethge, C., Rachmeler, L. A., Savage, S., Beabout, B., Beabout, D., Hogue, W., Guillory, A., Siler, R., Wright, E., Kegley, J., 2020, "Calibration of the MaGIXS Experiment. I. Calibration of the X-Ray Source at the X-Ray and Cryogenic Facility", ApJ 905, 66.

Athiray, P. S., Winebarger, A. R., Champey, P., Kobayashi, K., Savage, S., Beabout, B., Beabout, D., Broadway, D., Bruccoleri, A. R., Cheimets, P., Golub, L., Gullikson, E., Haight, H., Heilmann, R. K., Hertz, E., Hogue, W., Johnson, S., Kegley, J., Kolodziejczak, Madsen, C., Schattenburg, M. L., Siler, R., Vigil, G. D., Wright, E., 2021, "Calibration of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-Ray Spectrometer Experiment. II. Flight Instrument Calibration", ApJ 992, 65.

Athiray, P. S., and Winebarger, A. R., 2024, "Can Emission Measure Distributions Derived from Extreme-ultraviolet Images Accurately Constrain High-temperature Plasma?", ApJ 961, 181.

Cirtain, J. W., Golub, L., Winebarger, A. R., De Pontieu, B., Kobayashi, K., Moore, R. L., Walsh, R. W., Korreck, K. E., Weber, M., McCauley, P., Title, A., Kuzin, S., and DeForest, C. E. 2013, "Energy release in the solar corona from spatially resolved magnetic braids", Nature 493, 501.

Falconer, D.A., Tiwari, S.K., Moore, R.L., Khazanov, I, 2016, "A new method to quantify and reduce projection error in whole-solar-active-region parameters measured from vector magnetograms", ApJ Letters, 833, L31.

Falconer, D.A. and Davila, J.M., 2001, "Huge Coronal Structure and Heating Constraints Determined from SERTS Observations", ApJ 547, 1109.

Falconer, D.A., Davila, J.M., and Thomas, R.J., 1997, "Relative Elemental Abundance of the Quiet Solar Corona Determined by SERTS", ApJ 482, 1050.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L. Porter, J.G., Gary, G.A. and Shimizu, T., 1997, "Neutral-Line Magnetic Shear and Enhanced Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions", ApJ 482, 519.

Falconer, D.A. Moore, R.L., Porter, J.G., and Hathaway, D.H., 1998, "Network Coronal Bright Points: Coronal Heating Concentrations found in the Solar Magnetic Network", ApJ 501, 386.

Falconer, D.A., Gary, G.A., Moore, R.L. and Porter, J.G., 2000, "An Assessment of Magnetic Conditions for Strong Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions by Comparing Observed Loops with Computed Potential Field Lines," ApJ 528, 1004.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., and Gary, G.A., 2002, "Correlation of the Coronal Mass Ejections Productivity of Solar Active Regions with Measures of Their Global Nonpotentiality from Vector Magnetograms: Baseline Results", ApJ 569, 1016.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., and Gary, G.A., 2003, "A measure from line-of-sight magnetograms for predicting coronal mass ejections", J. Geophys. Res. 108 (A10), 1380.

Falconer, D.A. Moore, R.L., Porter, J.G., and Hathaway, D.H., 2003, "Solar Coronal Heating and the Magnetic Flux Content of the Network", ApJ 593, 549.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., and Gary, G.A., 2006, "Magnetic Causes of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections: Dominance of the Free Magnetic Energy of the Magnetic Twist Alone", ApJ 644, 1256.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., and Gary, G.A., 2008, "Magnetogram Measures of Total Nonpotentiality for Prediction of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections from Active Regions of Any Degree of Magnetic Complexity", ApJ 689, 1433.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., Gary, G.A., and Adams, M. 2009, "The Main Sequence of Explosive Active Regions: Discovery and Interpretation", ApJL 700, L166.

Falconer, D.A., Barghouty, A. F., Khazanov, I., and Moore, R.L., 2011, "A Tool for Empirical Forecasting of Major Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Solar Particle Events from a Proxy of Active-Region Free Magnetic Energy", Space Weather 9, S04003.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., Barghouty, A. F., and Khazanov, I., 2012, "Prior Flaring as a Complement to Free Magnetic Energy for Forecasting Solar Eruptions", Astrophys. J. 757, 32.

Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., Barghouty, A. F., and Khazanov, I., 2014, "MAG4 versus alternative techniques for forecasting active region flare productivity", Space Weather 12, 306.

Gary, G. A., 1996, "Potential Field Extrapolation Using Three Components of Solar Vector Magnetogram with a Finite Field of View", Solar Phys. 163, 43.

Gary, G. A., 1997, "Rendering Three-Dimensional Solar Coronal Structures", Solar Phys. 174, 241.

Gary, G. A., 2001, "Plasma Beta above a Solar Active Region: Rethinking the Paradigm", Solar Phys., 203, 71.

Gary, G. A., 2002, "On Determination of 3D Morophology and Plasma Properties of the Solar Corona", STEREO Conference Presentation.

Gary, G. A., 2009, "Evaluation of a Selected Case of the Minimum Dissipative Rate Method for Non-Force-Free Solar Magnetic Field Extrapolations", Solar Phys. submitted.

Gary, G. A., and Alexander, D., 1999, "Constructing the Coronal Magnetic Field by Correlating Parameterized Magnetic Field Lines With Observed Coronal Plasma Structures", Solar Phys. 186, 123.

Gary, G. A., Davis, J. M., and Moore, R, 1998, "On Analysis of Dual Spacecraft Stereoscopic Observations to Determine the Three-Dimensional Morphology and Plasma Properties of Solar Coronal Flux Tubes", Solar Phys., 183, 45.

Gary, G. A., Davis, J. M., and West, E. A., 2008, "On Future Possibilities for Doppler and Magnetic Field Measurements in the Extended Solar Atmosphere", Adv. Space Res., submitted.

Gary, G. A., and Moore, R. L., 2004 "Eruption of a Multi-Turn Helical Magnetic Flux Tube in a Large Flare: Evidence for External and Internal Reconnection that Fits the Breakout Model of Solar Magnetic Eruptions", Astrophys. J. 611, 545.

Gary, G. A., Pietraszewski, C., West, E. A., and Dines, T. C., 2007, "Solar Confocal Interferometers for Sub-Picometer-Resolution Spectral Filters", A&A, Section 13 Astronomical Instrumentation (online).

Gary, G. A., West, E. A., Rees, D., McKay, J. A., Zukic, M., and Herman, P., 2007, "Solar CIV vacuum-ultraviolet Fabry-Perot interferometers", A&A, 461, 707.

Gary, G. A., Qiang Hu, Jong Kwan Lee, 2013 "A Rapid Manual Method to Map Coronal-Loop Structures of an Active Region Using Cubic Bezier Curves and its Applications to Misalignment Angle Analysis", Solar Physics, accepted.

Gary, G. A., Qiang Hu, Jong Kwan Lee, 2013 "Coronal Loop Mapping to Infer the Best Magnetic Field Models for Active Region Prominences", submitted to Nature of Prominences and Their Role in Space Weather, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 300, B. Schmieder and S.T. Wu, eds.

Gary, G. A.; Hu, Qiang; Lee, Jong Kwan; Aschwanden, Markus J., 2014 "Determining the 3D Structure of the Corona Using Vertical Height Constraints on Observed Active Region Loops", Solar Physics, accepted.

Hathaway, D. H., 1996, "Doppler Measurements of the Sun's Meridional Flow", ApJ, 460, 1027-1033.

Hathaway, D. H., 2010a, "The Solar Cycle", Living Rev. Solar Phys., 7, (2010), 1.

Hathaway, D. H., 2010b, "Does the current minimum validate (or invalidate) cycle prediction methods", PASP, in press (2010).

Hathaway, D. H., 2011, "A Standard Law for the Equatorward Drift of the Sunspot Zones", Solar Phys., 273, 221.

Hathaway, D. H., 2012, "Supergranules as Probes of Solar Convection Zone Dynamics", Astrophys. J. Lett., 749, L13.

Hathaway, D. H., 2012b, "Supergranules as Probes of the Sun's Meridional Circulation", Astrophys. J., 760, 84.

Hathaway, D. H., 2013, "A Curious History of Sunspot Penumbrae", Solar Phys., 286, 347.

Hathaway, D. H., Upton, L., Colegrove, O. 2013, "Giant Convection Cells Found on the Sun", Science, 342, 1217.

Hathaway, D. H., Beck, J. G., Bogart, R. S., Bachmann, K. T., Khatri, G., Petitto, J. M., Han, S., and Raymond, J., 2000, "The Photospheric Convection Spectrum", Solar Phys., 193, 299.

Hathaway, D. H., Beck, J. G., Han, S., and Raymond, J., 2002, "Radial Flows in Supergranules", Solar Phys., 205, 25.

Hathaway, D. H. and Choudhary, D., 2008, "Sunspot Group Decay", Solar Phys., 250, 269.

Hathaway, D. H. and Rightmire, L., 2010, "Variations in the Sun's Meridional Flow over a Solar Cycle", Science, 327, 1350.

Hathaway, D. H. and Rightmire, L., 2011, "Variations in the Axisymmetric Transport of Magnetic Elements on the Sun: 1996-2010", ApJ, 729, 80.

Hathaway, D. H., Williams, P. E., and Cuntz, M., 2006, "Supergranule Superrotation Identified as a Projection Effect", ApJ, 644, 598-602.

Hathaway, D. H., Williams, P. E., and Cuntz, M., 2008, "The Advection of Supergranules by Large Scale Flows", PASP, in press.

Hathaway, D. H., Williams, P. E., Dela Rosa, K. and Cuntz, M., 2010, "The Advection of Supergranules by the Sun's Axisymmetric Flows", ApJ, 725, 1082-1090.

Hathaway, D. H. and Wilson, R. M. 2004, "What the Sunspot Record Tells Us  about Space Climate", Solar Phys. 224, 5.

Hathaway, D. H. and Wilson, R. M. 2006, "Geomagnetic activity indicates large amplitude for sunspot cycle 24", Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L18101.

Hathaway, D. H., Wilson, R. M., and Reichmann, E. J. 1994, "The Shape of the Sunspot Cycle", Solar Phys. 151, 177.

Hathaway, D. H., Wilson, R. M., and Reichmann, E. J. 1999, "A synthesis of solar cycle prediction techniques", J. Geophys. Res., 104, 22,375.

Hathaway, D. H., Wilson, R. M., and Reichmann, E. J. 2002, "Group Sunspot Numbers: Sunspot Cycle Characteristics", Solar Phys., 211, 357.

Hathaway, D. H., Nandy, D., Wilson, R.M., and Reichmann, E.J. 2003, "Evidence that a Deep Meridional Flow Sets the Sunspot Cycle Period", ApJ, 589, 665.

Hathaway, D. H., Nandy, D., Wilson, R.M., and Reichmann, E.J. 2004, Erratum: "Evidence that a Deep Meridional Flow Sets the Sunspot Cycle Period", ApJ, 602, 543.

Kobayashi, K., Cirtain, J., Winebarger, A. R., Korreck, K., Golub, L., Walsh, R. W., De Pontieu, B., DeForest, C., Title, A., Kuzin, S., Savage, S., Beabout, D., Beabout, B., Podgorski, W., Caldwell, D., McCracken, K., Ordway, M., Bergner, H., Gates, R., McKillop, S., Cheimets, P., Platt, S., Mitchell, N., Windt, D., 2014, "The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C)," Sol. Phys., 289, 4393.

Kobelski, A. R., Tarr, L. A., Jaeggli, S. A., Luber, N., Warren, H. P., and Savage, S., 2022, "A Publicly Available Multiobservatory Data Set of an Enhanced Network Patch from the Photosphere to the Corona," ApJS, 261, 15.

Lee, J.K., T.S. Newman, and  G. A. Gary, 2004, Automated Detection of Solar Loops by the Orientated Connectivity Method, in the Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, No. 1540, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 23-26 August 2004

Liewer, P. C., J. M. Davis, De Jong, E. M., G. A. Gary, Klimchuk, J. A., and Reinert, R. P., 1998, Report on New Mission Concept Study: Stereo X-Ray Corona Imager Mission, Procedings of SPIE, Missions to the Sun II, (Invited Paper), SPIE, 3342, 53

Moore, R.L., Falconer, D.A., Porter, J.G. and Suess, S.T., 1999, "On heating the Sun's Corona by Magnetic Explosions: Feasibility in Active Regions and Prospects for Quiet Regions and Coronal Holes," ApJ, 526, 505.

Moore, R. L.,Falconer, D.A., and Sterling, A. C., 2012, "The Limit of Magnetic-Shear Energy in Solar Active Regions," ApJ, in press.

Moore, R. L. and LaBonte, B. J., 1980, "The Filament Eruption in the 3B Flare of July 29, 1973: Onset and Magnetic Field Configuration," in IAU Symp. 91, Solar and Interplanetary Dynamics, ed. M Dryer and E. Tandberg-Hanssen (Dordrecht: Reidel), 207.

Moore, R. L. and Roumeliotis, G., 1992, "Triggering of Eruptive Flares: Destabilization of the Preflare Magnetic Field Configuration," in Eruptive Solar Flares, ed. Z Svestka, B. V. Jackson, and M. E. Machado (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), 69.

Moore, R. L., Schmieder, B., Hathaway, D. H., and Tarbell, T. D., 1997, "3-D Magnetic Configuration Late in a Large Two-Ribbon Flare", Solar Phys., 176, 153-169.

Moore, R. L. and Sterling, A. C., 2006, "Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections," Solar Eruptions and Energetic Particles AGU Geophysical Monograph Series 165, 43-57. Figure 1 (263 kB jpeg) , Figure 2 (320 kB eps) , Plate 1 (846 kB jpeg) , Plate 2 (376 kB eps) , Plate 3 (618 kB eps) , Plate 4 (584 kB eps) , Plate 5 (600 kB eps) .

Moore, R. L. and Sterling, A. C., 2007, "The Coronal-Dimming Footprint of a Streamer-Puff Coronal Mass Ejection: Confirmation of a Magnetic-Arch-Blowout Scenario," ApJ 661, 543.

Moore, R. L., Sterling, A. C., Cirtain, J. W., and Falconer, D. A. 2011, "Solar X-ray Jets, Type-II Spicules, Granule-Size Emerging Bipoles, and the Genesis of the Heliosphere," ApJL submitted.

Moore, R. L., Sterling, A. C., and Suess, S. T. 2007, "The Width of a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection and the Source of the Driving Magnetic Explosion," ApJ 668, 1221.

Rightmire-Upton, L., Hathaway, D. H., and Kosak, K., 2012, "Measurements of the Sun's High-Latitude Meridional Circulation," Ap. J. Lett., 761, L14.

Savage, S. L., Winebarger, A. R., Kobayashi, K., Athiray, P. S., Beabout, D., Golub, L., Walsh, R. W., Beabout, B., Bradshaw, S., Bruccoleri, A. R., Champey, P. R., Cheimets, P., Cirtain, J., DeLuca, E. E., Del Zanna, G., Dudik, J., Guillory, A., Haight, H., Heilmann, R. K., Hertz, E., Hogue, W., Kegley, J., Kolodziejczak, J., Madsen, C., Mason, H., McKenzie, D. E., Ranganathan, J., Reeves, K. K., Robertson, B., Schattenburg, M. L., Scholvin, J., Siler, R., Testa, P., Vigil, G. D., Warren, H. P., Watkinson, B., Weddendorf, B., and Wright, E., 2023, "The First Flight of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-Ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)," ApJ , 945, 105.

Sterling, A. C., 2000, "Sigmoid CME source regions at the Sun: some recent results," J. Atmos. and Solar-Terrestrial Phys., 62, 1427.

Sterling, A. C., 2000, "Solar Spicules: A Review of Recent Models and Targets for Future Observations," Solar Phys., 196, 79.

Sterling, A. C., Harra, L. K., and Moore, R. L., 2007, "New Evidence for the Role of Emerging Flux in a Solar Filament's Slow Rise Preceding its CME-Producing Fast Eruption," Ap. J., 669, 1359.

Sterling, A. C. and Moore, R. L., 2001a, "Internal and External Reconnection in a Series of Homologous Solar Flares ". J. Geophys. Res. 106 A11, 25,227.

Sterling, A. C. and Moore, R. L., 2001b, "EIT Crinkles as Evidence for the Breakout Model of Solar Eruptions," Ap.J., 561, 1116.

Sterling, A. C., Moore, R. L., Falconer, D. A., Adams, M., 2015, "Small-scale filament eruptions as the driver of X-ray jets in solar coronal holes," Nature, 523, 437-440.

Sterling, A. C., Moore, R. L., Falconer, D. A., Panesar, N. K., Akiyama, S., Yashiro, S., and Gopalswamy, N., 2016, "Minifilament Eruptions that Drive Coronal Jets in a Solar Active Region," ApJ, 821, 100.

Sterling, A. C., and Moore, R. L., 2020, "Coronal-jet-producing Minifilament Eruptions as a Possible Source of Parker Solar Probe Switchbacks," ApJL, 896, L18.

Sterling, A. C., Panesar, N., K., and Moore, R. L., 2024, "How Small-scale Jetlike Solar Events from Miniature Flux Rope Eruptions Might Produce the Solar Wind," ApJ, 963, 4.

Tiwari, S.K., Alexander, C.E., Winebarger, A.R., Moore, R.L., 2014 "Trigger Mechanism of Solar Subflares in a Braided Coronal Magnetic Structure", ApJ Lett., 795:L24.

Tiwari, S.K., Falconer, D.A., Moore, R.L., Venkatakrishnen, P., Winebarger, A.R., and Khazanov, I.G., 2015 "Near-Sun Speed of CMEs and the Magnetic Nonpotentiality of their Source Active Regions", Geophys. Res. Lett., 42 doi:10.1002/2015GL064865.

Williams, P. E., Hathaway, D. H., and Cuntz, M., 2007, "Solar Rossby Wave "Hills" Identified as Supergranules", ApJ Lett., 662, L135-L138.

Upton, L. and Hathaway, D. H. 2014, "Predicting the Sun's Polar Fields with a Surface Flux Transport Model", ApJ, 780, 5.

Vigil, G.D., Winebarger, A., R., Kobayashi, K., Cheimets, P. N., Champey, P. R., Savage, S., Golub, L., Watkinson, B., Beabout, B., Weddendorf, B., Walsh, R. W., 2021, "Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer Slitjaw Imager Implementation and Performance", Sol. Phys., 296, 90.

Vigil, G.D., Winebarger, A., R., Rachmeler, L., Donders, N., Athiray, P. S., Kobayashi, K., Kankelborg, C., 2021, "Design for a portable calibration system for the Full-sun UV Rocket SpecTrometer instrument", J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst., 21013AS.

Wilson, R. M., 2008, "An Estimate of the North Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Activity for 2008," NASA/TP-2008-215471.

Wilson, R. M., 2010a, "Solar Cycle and Anthropogenic Forcing of Surface-Air Temperature at Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland," NASA/TP-2010-216375.

Wilson, R. M., 2010b, "Predicting the Size and Timing of Sunspot Maximum for Cycle 24," NASA/TP-2010-216433.

Wilson, R. M., 2011a, "An Estimate of the Size and Shape of Sunspot Cycle 24 Based on Its Early Cycle Behavior Uning the Hathaway-Wilson-Reichmann Shape-Fitting Function," NASA/TP-2011-216461.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2006a, "On the Relation Between Sunspot Area and Sunspot Number," NASA/TP-2006-214324.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2006b, "An Examination of Sunspot Number Rates of Growth and decay in Relation to the Sunspot Cycle," NASA/TP-2006-214433.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2006c, "Examination of the Armagh Observatory Annual Mean Temperature Record, 1844-2004," NASA/TP-2006-214434.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2006d, "On the Relationship Between Spotless Days and the Sunspot Cycle: A Supplement," NASA/TP-2006-214601.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2006e, "An Examination of Selected Geomagnetic Indices in Relation to the Sunspot Cycle," NASA/TP-2006-214324.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2007, "Anticipating Cycle 24 Minimum and Its Consequences," NASA/TP-2007-215134.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2008a, "On the Relationship Between Solar Wind Speed, Geomagnetic Activity, and the Sunspot Cycle Using Annual Values," NASA/TP-2008-215249.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2008b, "On the Relationship Between Solar Wind Speed, Earth-Directed Coronal Mass Ejections, Geomagnetic Activity, and the Sunspot Cycle Using 12-Month Moving Averages," NASA/TP-2008-215413.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2008c, "Using the Modified Precursor Method to Estimate the Size of Cycle 24," NASA/TP-2008-215467.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2008d, "Using the Inflection Points and Rates of Growth and Decay to Predict Levels of Solar Activity," NASA/TP-2008-215473.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2008e, "Anticipating Cycle 24 Minimum and Its Consequences: An Update," NASA/TP-2008-215576.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2008f, "On the Period-Amplitude and Amplitude-Period Relationships," NASA/TP-2008-215580.

Wilson, R. M. and Hathaway, D. H., 2009a, "Predicting the Size of Sunspot Cycle 24 on the Basis of Single- and Bi-Variate Geomagnetic Precursor Methods," NASA/TP-2009-215687.

Winebarger, A., R., Schmelz, J. T., Warren, H. P., Saar, S. H., and Kashyap, V. L., 2011, "Using a Differential Emission Measure and Density Measurements in an Active Region Core to Test a Steady Heating Model, " ApJ, 740, 2.

Winebarger, A., R., Warren, H. P., Schmelz, J. T., Cirtain, J., Mulu-Moore, F., Golub, L., Kobayashi, K., 2012, "Defining the "Blind Spot" of Hinode EIS and XRT Temperature Measurements, " ApJL, 746, L17.

Winebarger, A., R., Cirtain, J., Golub, L., DeLuca, E., Savage, S., Alexander, C., and Schuler, T., 2014, "Discovery of Finely Structured Dynamic Solar Corona Observed in the Hi-C Telescope, " ApJL, 787, L10.

Winebarger, A., R., Weber, M., Bethge, C., Downs, C., Golub, L., DeLuca, E., Savage, S., del Zanna, G., Samra, J., Madsen, C., Ashraf, A., Carter, C., 2019, "Unfolding Overlapped Slitless Imaging Spectrometer Data for Extended Sources, " ApJ, 882, 12.

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Last Updated: January 14, 2025 January 14, 2025